Saturday, July 25, 2009


It's deathly hot outside. For me at least. The average temperature is only about 25-28 degrees but for fair skinned people like myself, it's the point of melting. I can't imagine living in a place somewhere in Africa or South America that averages over 30 degrees a day. The weather only makes me happy when the sun sets and the breeze blows a gentle sigh across the branches and I can head outside with a gin and tonic whilst listening to Nina Simone. I pretend I am living the true life of a true metrosexual, clutching a cocktail glass and admiring the buttons on my linen shirt. Perhaps a combination of the heat and over exhaustion of working a real job this that has hindered me ability to post a blog posting for a week. But it doesn't matter, because nobody reads this anyways. Summer sun makes me look like I have herpes on my arm.

1 comment:

  1. heat = death. light rain outside, elliot smith and walking with phil is a perfect day.
